Not sure how accurate it is but given the figures I vaguely recall, this feels pretty accurate.

Realizing that the Discovery is longer than any of these ships really puts shit into perspective

  • @Stamets@startrek.websiteOP
    11 months ago

    Your first point is true but that’s true of all Star Trek. Something new comes in that shakes things up and requires some backsplanation to smooth things out. Or they just outright ignore things and move along (see that temp Warp 5 speed restriction in TNG as an example). Considering we’ve gotten some already ridiculous shit throughout Star Trek, I’m with your second point just as strongly. Who cares. We already have ships that have whales on them to have with three-dimensional course plotting. Is ‘the ship being bigger and having classified tech’ that much more of a stretch?

    • Basilisk
      1111 months ago

      I guess I just fundamentally don’t agree with the need for a “backsplanation”. I am of the camp that I’m totally OK with the Klingons looking different in TMP than in TOS because it wasn’t a 1960s TV show anymore and they wanted the aliens to look more alien, and that’s all the explanation that I need. The Enterprise is different between SNW and its appearance in Discovery because it’s a different show and they wanted to tweak its appearance some to make it more of a “hero” set. Spock and Sarek never mentioned his having an adoptive daughter/sister in spite of being in two series and a half dozen movies because Michael didn’t exist until Discovery and the writers thought it would make for an interesting tie-in.

      I have enjoyed the series since TNG in the 80s, and I’d love for it to come true some time in the future. But it’s a TV show, it’s not a history book. It’s fine if there are inconsistencies, none of it is real anyway.

      • Jason - VE3MAL
        211 months ago

        God the Klingon thing was silly. Do we need an explanation as to why the TOS ship had plastic, 1960s themed furniture? Do we need an explanation for improved camera resolution over the years? Why did we need a silly explanation for the improvement in makeup artistry so many decades later? And the explanation doesn’t even work. Genetics don’t work like that. It’s taking themselves too seriously. Either ignore it, or hang a lantern on it with an inside joke once, and be done with it.

        • Kristian Haapa-ah0)))
          211 months ago

          @VE3MAL @Basilisk Warf’s explanation to Sisko in that TOS time travel episode was so perfect. Nothing else was needed.

          It’s like Lucas making a whole Solo movie to explain the Kessel Run and how he was “right” all this time.

          • Basilisk
            111 months ago

            The ENT mini-arc “explaining” the difference between Klingons “then” and “now” was absolutely unnecessary, but I do have to admit to finding it cute that the reason why Klingons became smooth-foreheaded instead of bumpy-foreheaded turned out to be a combination of all three of Bashir’s guesses in that scene.