Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?

What happens to this data? What can/do they do with it? and why are so many people concerned about google tracking them?

Do i as an average user need to be concerned?

If so, What sorts of things can i do to avoid being tracked? Preferably without too much comprimise.

  • phillaholic
    38 months ago

    If you somehow have made sure every app you use doesn’t have a meta tracker in it then maybe. Although then you get into the territory of being so unique by blocking everything that you become identifiable that way.

    • Stantana
      18 months ago

      I use custom operating system on my phone and router. I analyze packets, firewalls apps and block known tracking system on DNS level since I run my own In/Out VPN.

      I have don’t understand what you’re talking about. Maybe I’m just not on your level.

      Thank you for the interaction, but I don’t think either of us will gain any more from this discussion.

        • Stantana
          18 months ago

          I’m aware of browser based tracking and have taken precautions to stop this. I fail to see how this is related to correlating two separate systems.

          This continued conversation is wasting both ours time. I’m happy to discuss a different topic with you at another time, but posting links I evaluate to be completely irrelevant and perhaps even ignorant to the topic will only lead to conflict no matter who is right.

          I wish you a good day.