““The Left is lighting the fire of a cultural revolution all across this land. The fire smolders in our schools. It smolders in corporate boardrooms. It smolders in the halls of government. …I will lead the effort to extinguish the fire of cultural Marxism.” @RonDeSantis


  • APassenger
    1 year ago

    You assume others have not done the research when you see the rejection.

    How much research do you think we need to do? Requiring high levels of research to repudiate intolerant, incivil, racist actions is… trolling. Whether others care to call it that or not.

    I don’t need to have a 3 point, multi-paragraph essay on why I don’t drink bleach. I don’t drink it because it’s poison.

    Same thing here.

    • dudeami0
      11 year ago

      Everyone has to learn something sometime, it’s the reason you have to teach kids not to drink the chemicals under the sink. It’s better for this stuff to be put on display as inappropriate, not buried to be found somewhere this might be encouraged.