please post any subsequent updates here unless they’re huge happenings. i just woke up and half our news front page is updates which is nice but also A Lot and most of these don’t have to be their own thread

  • interolivary
    1 year ago

    “Opportunity to return to Africa.”

    Yeah, I suppose massacring badly equipped CAR “rebels” (while also guarding their diamond mines) and civilians is a lot more fun than having to fight someone being equipped by the military-industrial complex of the combined West.

    Edit: oh and related to how many Russians are happy with this, this Mastodon post had some numbers from a Russian political blogger:

    A popular Russian political blogger Tatiana Stanovaya ran a poll on her Telegram earlier today, asking: “how do you feel about the current situation”


    • 12% supporting Prigozhin
    • 48% “let them fight, there are no heroes here”
    • 29% “this is a catastrophe, I’m scared”
    • 8% against the coup
    • 3% “give power to the people”

    The numbers will be skewed due to the audience, but still interesting>