• A study shows Australians would rather take other actions to help the environment than give up meat.

  • Participants cite a lack of vegetarian options when dining out, despite Australia having more than ever, as a barrier to the diet.

  • Researchers hope the study will highlight reasons behind people’s reluctance to reduce meat consumption.

    • HeartyBeast
      211 months ago

      So you are looking at a largely capitalist economy, but with a few natural monopolies - water supply, being one example - being in public ownership.

      As an example, the UK is generally considered a capitalist economy, notwithstanding the fact that its largest employer- the NHS - is publicly owned and operated.

        • HeartyBeast
          111 months ago

          That was intended an illustration of how the existence of one or more large state-run organisations does not mean it isn’t a capitalist system. If you prefer something else - the UK has effectively renationalised parts of the rail system