Quote of quotes:

“I’m sick of Republicans losing,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said.

Limber up there, Rhonda!

  • @fubo@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Thing is, Republicans lose wherever they don’t get to cheat. This is for two reasons:

    1. Their policy positions are extremely unpopular with Americans
    2. Their character qualities range from “bad boss” to “fratboy rapist” to “daddy issues”.

    And then the news media continue to present Republican policy positions and candidates as if they were normal American behavior by normal Americans.

    They’re really not. They only win when they cheat.

    • Joe-Blow240
      378 months ago

      What policy positions? Donald J. Trump was president of this country. What part of that tells you that policy positions can break a candidate? Democrat apathy is what decides elections.