Asked whether they believed Trump has or has not “committed serious federal crimes,” 54 percent of poll respondents replied that he had. But 19 percent of them confirmed they’d still vote for this criminal ex-president in 2024. Along the same vein, 13 percent of those who believe Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results “threatened American democracy” still plan to vote for him next year.

    18 months ago

    Right, because Biden wasn’t involved and set up Hunter countless times with his backroom China deals right? Biden hasn’t been accused a dozen times long before he was POTUS of inapprotiate shit with women, Hillary wasn’t busted with her off the books shit with her home server and emails…RIGHT??? Don’t kid yourself.

      18 months ago

      Countless times?

      Dozens of times?

      The hyperbole isn’t helping you. You might have an argument if you actually stuck to one or two substantive examples, rather than throwing out ridiculous numbers.