After it was clear that a whopping majority of Ohio citizens, despite it being a red state, favored allowing women to make their own choices, the Ohio House speaker, Jason Stephens, a Republican, declared, “I remain steadfastly committed to protecting life, and that commitment is unwavering. The legislature has multiple paths that we will explore to continue to protect innocent life. This is not the end of the conversation.”

In other words: We don’t care what the vast majority of Ohioans want on this deeply personal matter; we will find a way to impose our position—a minority-held view—on everyone.

  • IHeartBadCode
    136 months ago

    Speaker Johnson often repeats this mantra in interviews and podcasts; he is fond of quipping that democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner.

    Yes, so the entire point here is that; to prevent basically a majority subjugate the minority we have two parts. Fundamental rights enshrined in our Constitution and a Judicial system that ensures least harm. Ohio has indicated an amendment to the Constitution that prevents Government intervention into reproductive health. That is, Ohio has indicated that reproductive health rights deserve the exact same protection that say free speech deserves.

    A free society is allowed to dictate what rises to a fundamental right for the people. Additionally, it is up to the judicial system to implement that right in a manner that poses the least harm. If some Christian does not want an abortion, no judge will impose it upon them. That is the means of least harm. But likewise, it means that a Judge cannot invalidate that fundamental right in a manner that causes more harm. Random Christians cannot impose their religious beliefs onto someone else, that is pretty grave harm.

    And all these religious nut jobs wonder why their pews are becoming more and more empty? The liberals aren’t running anyone out of the church, it’s the rapist priest, the abuse of power, and the implementation of other’s world views onto those who do not agree that runs the people out of the church.

    The biggest harm to the church and Christianity at the current moment is Christians themselves. There’s zero evidentiary nature in what they are attempting to do that shows them of some organization that wishes to spread good will. Instead they come off as vindictive and bitter. No one wants to be around that bullshit.