(edit) - Answered by @sexy_peach@feddit.de below. Thanks!

I created duplicate accounts (same username as this one), one here on lemmy.ml and another of the same account on midwest.social. This was before I understood how Lemmy works. Now I’ve deleted the account on midwest.social and want to login there with my federated account from lemmy.ml. However when I try to login it just sits and spins.

Will I be able to login to the other Lemmy server with this account? Do I just need to give the other server some time before it wipes out the account completely?

I have verified that the other server is federated with lemmy.ml:
https://midwest.social/instances> @sexy_peach

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    101 year ago

    Can I still post and comment in those communities while logged in through lemmy.ml?

    Yes, exactly! You only need one account on one server and can use that server to follow and post everywhere!

    • GuyDudeman
      41 year ago

      Unless that community has been blocked by your community, right? Like, how LemmyGrad has blocked certain communities.

      • @DudeDad@lemmy.ml
        21 year ago

        To me, it seems obvious to create an account on the “largest most general” server, as they are likely to not be blocked.

        What are the pros and cons of creating your account on lemmy.ml for example?

        The risk I see with creating my main account on a smaller server is the potential for the smaller server to go away if the creator decides to stop hosting. Right?

        • GuyDudeman
          11 year ago

          I’m just creating accounts on all the servers, just so I have them. I think I’ll use lemmy.ml and beehaw the most though. I’m still wrapping my head around this whole federated thing.