Im still young but i just feel so lost/useless/or like a loser and im not sure what to do now or int he future. i have so many ideas but i just cant do most of them becasue im depressed or i struggle (i have autism and dsleyixa). ive always been treate dlike the odd one out and ive never had irl friends that are actually friendly, i just feel so alone and i hate that i want to change or dream but i feel lost.

I also want many thing like money, fun, a good life and whatnot but im just not too sure. i take meds but i feel like something is missing and im not sure what that could be. i also want thing sinstantly and that anoyes me and im not sure what to do about it.

you have any tips or advice by chance? i could have rante dmore but i wanted to stop.

    51 year ago

    I know it’s going to feel like a platitude, but if you keep trying it will get better. Most of my twenties felt like a waste when I was in them, especially because I kept comparing myself to what I thought my path should be.

    But now looking back in my 30’s it’s clear that I I spent most of the earlier part experimenting to figure out what I wanted and just generally surviving while doing that. I started my career, met my now wife, reconnected with friends that wanted to support my instead of keeping me where I was.

    None of that would have happened if I didn’t keep pushing on, but it did often feel like I was treading water or even going backwards.