So it looks like Trump has read the fascist playbook or something. I’m not surprised. I am concerned.

Edit: After thinking about it, I guess I am surprised that he can read.

  • Melkath
    28 months ago

    Ya, and the article is a propaganda post to scare you into accepting and being complicit in genocide.

    Biden and Trump are both fascists.

    We kept voting lesser evil and now both parties are fascist.

      • Melkath
        18 months ago

        Acting in defiance of the votes and voice of the constituents. Funding genocide and working to do so unilaterally behind closed doors.

        Yup. Sounds pretty fascist to me.

          28 months ago

          The majority of Americans support Israel, so they are not acting against the interests or voice of their constituents.

          • Melkath
            18 months ago

            Are you sure about that?

            The majority of Americans are supporting the Palestinian genocide right now?

            Every report I have heard is that Biden’s already abysmal approval rating TANKED the moment he started funding the genocide.

            Last I checked, the average American is pretty anti-genocide.

              28 months ago

              Yes, Biden had 50% approval among democrats for his handling of the current conflict, and the majority of Republicans have always supportes Israel over Palestine.

              Also not everyone agrees it’s a genocide.

              • Melkath
                28 months ago

                Centralized autocratic government. Unilaterally funding genocide against the wishes of the people. That is fascism. That is what both sides of the aisle are doing in America today. Biden happens to be in the drivers seat today.

                11,000 unaffiliated civilians murdered in 1.5 months and Netanyahu is loudly ramping up. Sounds like genocide to me.

                  18 months ago

                  Hamas is intentionally using Palestinian civilians as human shields, attacking Israel from populated areas.

                  And Israel has the munitions and ability to kill every Palestinian in a matter of weeks. If they wanted to genocide the Palestinians they could have already wiped them out.

                  • Melkath
                    18 months ago

                    So the only option is to murder the human shield.

                    11 thousand of them in 1.5 months in fact.