• @merthyr1831@lemmy.world
    28 months ago

    “Hamas bombed their own hospital” - Israel Bombed it, according to independently-verified Channel 4 sources. Followed by openly bombing of multiple other hospitals. “Leaked Audio” of hamas taking blame was doctored and spliced from multiple sources.

    “Hamas beheaded 40babies” - Backtracked to one baby, who wasn’t decapitated at all, but in an area where Israeli helicopter gunners admit to blindly firing into civilian neighbourhoods for hours.

    “Hamas killed 1400 civilians” - Backtracked to 1200 recently, including a vast majority being military personnel. Many of the civilians were likely killed by Israeli crossfire or intentionally via “Hannibal doctrine”.

    “Hamas uses tunnels under Al-Shifa” - Literally only a shitty blender video as “proof”. Other attempts such as the above use what Israelis claim is a “guard shift pattern” on a wall, which is actually just translated into a calendar with no names on it all.

    Not going to bother with people like you who wake up giddy with excitement to write off the lives of millions of people because they think there’s some kind of elaborate military apperatus being deployed in hospitals when the reality is that almost every IDF accusation is a confession of the kind of behaviour their own brutes have been orchestrating for decades.

    At this point, you’re willingly choosing Israel’s narrative out of malice, not stupidity.

    • Hatsune Miku
      8 months ago

      whoa those are a lot of claims X3

      ehehe~ i’m really curious bout this lil’ one tho, just this one:

      “Hamas killed 1400 civilians” - Backtracked to 1200 recently, including a vast majority being military personnel. Many of the civilians were likely killed by Israeli crossfire or intentionally via “Hannibal doctrine”

      i watched all available videos during october 7th and didn’t see no helicopter or idf shooting civvies :o

      • @merthyr1831@lemmy.world
        28 months ago

        I’m glad you’ve confirmed your biases based on a few minutes of Israeli-published footage of battles that were hours in length.

        PS: get that UwU speak the fuck out of here, prick, you’re trying to justify the deaths of thousands of kids while larping as a fucking vtuber. Eat shit.

        • Hatsune Miku
          8 months ago

          ehehe, silly~ hamas uploaded the footage online themselves, haha!

          so binary~ pointing out an inconsistency isn’t automatically making out with israel. but it don’t change the fact no helicopter was shooting civilians or the idf was shooting their own civlians X3