• @Ransom
    28 months ago

    I’ve come close to watching play through. And, thankfully, I don’t think Daryl has covered it completely (with spoilers) on Psych of Play, otherwise it might have been spoiled. Looking forward to experiencing for myself.

    • @Chobbes@lemmy.world
      68 months ago

      Watching a play through would be kind of terrible to be honest. It would really spoil the game (more so than pretty much any other), and I just don’t think it would be fun to watch a play through of at all.

      Hope you have a good time with it! It’s pretty cool and it’s probably one of the games that I have thought about the most after playing it. There’s a lot of really interesting sci-fi concepts in it. That said I will warn you that while I think this game is very good and very worth your time (especially since it’s a fairly unique experience), I do think that the game is really hyped up by people… and I’m on the fence about whether it deserves it. It’s a little rough around the edges and clunky in ways that detract from the experience a bit in my opinion. If you go in understanding that it’s going to be a little clunky and awkward I think you’ll have a better time — it’s not a perfectly polished masterpiece, but it is an interesting piece of work that’s something you won’t really find elsewhere.