How much would it cost to put someone to sleep on a submersible not rated for immediate-pink-mist depths?

  • Deceptichum
    01 year ago

    Being drawn and quartered or golden bulled sounds like one of the worse ideas.

    Hanging, rifle line, and the guillotine are slightly better as they’re less violent and more ‘matter of fact’.

    A multi-drug cocktail sounds like one of the most humane methods, medicinally and painlessly ending a life. Sadly they’ve fucked up even that by not doing it properly.

    • GraceGH
      21 year ago

      The problem is you can’t get any actual doctors to help make it medically sound on account of that whole “do no harm” thing they’re supposed to uphold, so you end up with quacks that use a functionally random set of drugs that make it appear to the crowd as a painless way to die when in actuality its one of the most brutally painful possible ways to die.

      • Deceptichum
        11 year ago

        Death can be a freedom from harm, ex. Euthanasia.

        So if they were going to die anyway, a doctor could rationalise it as helping them have the least suffering.