Has Donald Trump gone nuts? This is obviously a difficult question to raise about any person, let alone a candidate, who has demonstrated vicious, paranoid, and violent behavior. (A civil trial in a federal court found him guilty of sexual abuse, after all.) So, everything is relative. Still, all the armchair gerontologists parsing every utterance from President Joe Biden, trying to distinguish his congenital stutter from his natural aging, should look at Trump, whose behavior has gone from bad to weird to bizarre. Is he suffering from a palpable form of dementia? I leave that to the medical experts, but I’d implore you to absorb what the 45th president has been saying recently and how it’s even more worrisome than what he’s been saying and doing since he came down the escalator at Trump Towers in 2015.

  • @PeleSpirit@lemmy.world
    236 months ago

    I’ve said this before, but he knows how to lull people into a semi trance. It’s a sing-song way of gently speaking that they use in cults. If you speed up what he’s saying on youtube, you can see the effects immediately disappear and something I would suggest trying on relatives who are caught in his spell. Tell them you want to hear the speech but you’re in a hurry and 1.5x it.

    • @meco03211@lemmy.world
      96 months ago

      Should try deepfaking some of his speeches with Biden’s voice. Change things like “leftist” or “liberal” to “right wing” or “conservative” and similar. All except for like the last one or two. Then as they are seething, reveal that it was trump all along.

      • @nilloc@discuss.tchncs.de
        6 months ago

        Could do the same thing in reverse and reveal it as Biden’s speech. Lots of them agree with most of what Biden says. They’re just brainwashed into hating the other side.