Inspired by this Mastodon account, I programmed an ESP8266 microcontroller to act as a traffic light, indicating the current electricity mix. Check it out on Codeberg! It uses an API from the Fraunhofer Institute and the parts cost around 5€. In my shared flat we use it as an indicator on when to run demanding devices, like the washing machine.

  • Melody Fwygon
    37 months ago

    I get that one may be interested in using electricity when it’s green(er); but I am curious…is there an ongoing reason or incentive to use energy during a “Green” phase as compared to a “Yellow” or “Red” phase that I am missing?

    Or is this simply a fun passion project because one wishes to choose to only use green(er) energy than most do?

    • TimberOP
      47 months ago

      In my understanding a problem often is that electricity isn’t used when renewable electricity sources can provide it. One solution to this is storing it, another (complementary) one is to adjust the usage to times when there is a lot of renewable energy available. This especially makes sense for big consumers (like factories), but a lot of washing machines also sum up to a lot of electricity demand. So we have to adjust to mainly use electricity when it’s available via renewable sources, and this thing can hopefully help with that.

        7 months ago

        Automatic delay and time adjustment should be standard for consumer devices and electric car charging that consume lot of energy, and don’t need to be activated immediately.

        For years and even decades, it’s been possible to setup water heaters to activate during low-rate electricity hours, and store the hot water for later.

      7 months ago

      Not a monetary one, no.

      * (there might exist some business power tariffs that coincidentally benefit from this but nothing you’d use at home)