So back in the early days of 3d printing (2012) had purchased a Solidoodle 3. Iused it for a few years. It sat unused due to issues had run into with it and eventually got rid of it. Since then I haven’t had a printer, but I’ve finally convinced myself that it is time to get one again. So l’m looking for suggestions for sub-$500 printers. While wouldn’t consider myself a newb, I am very rusty. I’m however not opposed to tinkering and am a huge fan of open source. What printers would people recommend? I’m personally thinking the Sovol SVO6+ but am open to other suggestions.

  • @CmdrShepard
    8 months ago

    Not to mention the footprint. Bed slingers need a much larger workspace area in order for the extruder to reach the entire bed area. I’m a bot skeptical of the printer listed above though. It has a really tiny bed and not that great of print speed. Plus looking at the page they list things like “5:1 gear reduction” three separate times (who cares what the drive ratio is?) which leads me to believe it’s built with cheap parts and lacks a lot of features standard on even cheap Ender machines.