I’ve got news for you, crackpot. The rapture already happened and you, the self-righteous, have been left behind with us, the great unbelieving. Let that sink in.

    • Ech
      8 months ago

      Well, his series emboldened a new generation of end-times nutters like himself that, at best, ignore critical threats to humanity because it’s “ending soon anyhow”, and at worst actively campaign for disastrous and harmful policies in order to hasten the end of the world and their own entry into “paradise”.

      • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        There’s little to no proof that even happens outside of baseless assumptions. At worst, he influences people to not think critically about the world around them.

        News flash- there will ALWAYS be people that refuse to think critically about the world around them.

        The problem here is that everyone in these atheist communities/subreddits get so used to being so smug about their own belief, they become unaware that over time- they become exactly what they hate in others:

        Which is elitist arrogant blowhards that think their ideology is the ONLY correct one.

        • spaceghotiM
          48 months ago

          The prevalence of Christian Nationalism and the religious comments of conservative politicians for why they oppose progressive legislation would suggest that boosting opinions like this is feeding a problem that’s actively blowing up in our faces right now.

          Sure, atheists aren’t immune to group think and echo chambers, but arguing against the comment you replied to suggests you’re not paying attention to what’s happening around us.

          • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
            8 months ago

            No, it suggests that I don’t allow assumptions to dictate my thoughts on a subject. And nothing it the comment I responded to is empirically truthful in any way.

            • spaceghotiM
              48 months ago

              Bury your head in the sand if you choose. It won’t save you when they come for all of us.

                • spaceghotiM
                  38 months ago


                  So while Johnson’s legal career reflects decades of arguing for free speech and free expression of religion, it has consistently been for the same religion — and not evidently in furtherance of an even-handed legal principle that would protect all religions equally (in addition to the right to reject religion altogether). Johnson’s theory, summed up, appears to be what might be dubbed, “the First Amendment for me but not for thee.” As he has described it in his own words, “the founders wanted to protect the church from the encroaching state, not the other way around.”

                  But only when that church is Christian.

                  I repeat: you are not paying attention.