I am equally enjoying and exasperared by From. Who else?

Heads up that if this becomes an active thread, there’s gonna be spoilers for the whole series in here.

  • @falcon
    31 year ago

    My wife and I love this show so much!! We binged the first season when we decided to watch it, and have been watching theory videos on YT after every episode of S2!

    Now it’s that looooong wait until S3, and hoping the writers strike doesn’t affect it too much (in terms of both release date and quality)

    • hrimfaxi_workOP
      31 year ago

      It’s a long wait until the next season, but we’re now in the 2 month window of manic post-finale theorizing. My favorite part of every fandom!

      I’m an OG Lost fan, and so is one of my best friends who’s watching it with me. We’re starting a list of “IT’S THE EXACT SAME SHOW” things. Neither of us have a lot of hope for the show’s future quality, writers strike or not, but we’re going to like whatever From becomes 🙂