In a video by, Alec goes into a deep dive into the simplicity of his particular model, its shortcomings and variety of data logging tests in an attempt to fix them.

TL,DW: Very simple, cheap and ingenious design, with one compressor loop between the fridge and freezer in series. However, its temperature sensor is wonky and so the fridge is more affected by how long the compressor operates than the actual temperature itself. There is a signficant temperature differential between the top and bottom, fans on the exterior or interior could help but with the faulty sensor only made matters worse. With the controller replaced with a proper temp control unit the fridge functioned much better.

  • Zamboniman
    421 year ago

    WTF, I ain’t watching an hour long video on a stupid fridge! I’ll just watch the first few minutes and see what’s up…

    One hour later…

    Okay, that was really interesting. I really love this channel.

    • reric88🧩
      111 year ago

      I love his videos, especially the video about his toaster. I’ve actually spent time trying to find that exact toaster at yard sales

      • I know more than I ever need to about American drip coffee machines, and yet I don’t want one and wouldn’t know where to buy one here in Australia eveb if I did want one.

    • potpie
      111 year ago

      Me at 11pm: why on earth would I watch a long video deep diving into obsolete incandescent headlights?

      Me at 7am: hey did you know that headlights used to be so standard you could just drop in a generic replacement and…