In the 2020 presidential election cycle, more than $14bn went to federal candidates, party committees, and Super Pacs – double the $7bn doled out in the 2016 cycle. Total giving in 2024 is bound to be much higher.

That money is not supporting US democracy. If anything, that money is contributing to rising Trumpism and neofascism.

      710 months ago

      I think most of the Republican base don’t consider this as a factor. To them everything would continue on as it is just better and with no liberals, LGBTQ, or minorities.

      To the masses, Social Security checks would still flow, Medicaid would cover them when they are sick and disability checks would still come in the mail, roads would be maintained, mail would be delivered cheaply, stocks will remain trustworthy investments, food/water will be safe… Until the liberals are gone, then the funny starts.

      The business interests think their regulations will disappear and profits will be made… never mind those other regulations that keep our banking system stable, the power on, and customers roaming around with money in their pockets to spend. For the unscrupulous businesses that will be true, but it will quickly look like the late 1800s with huge monopolies dominating everything… Until a dictator rises to power on the backs of the upset masses and it’s taken away…

      But for the elites and the power hungry, they know better. They would rather rule in hell than than serve with angels. They see how a few have total control in Russia, China, NK, etc. They want it too, even if it means they would have no where safe to spend those riches.

        • spaceghotiOP
          110 months ago

          When you live your life in black and white thinking, there are only binary choices. The idea that their ideas could possibly fail to produce the results they want doesn’t enter their heads.

    • spaceghotiOP
      610 months ago

      Of course not. They know they have to destroy society as it is before they can rebuild it the way they want it. That’s the point. That’s why they’ve been working for seventy years to undermine confidence in the government, so they can justify tearing it down and replacing it with their own vision.

        • spaceghotiOP
          610 months ago

          They think they control the police and military. The South thought they had the advantage as well. History is about to repeat itself.

            • spaceghotiOP
              410 months ago

              They largely control the nation’s resources. They can pay, the question is how many of our police and military forces are willing to sell their loyalty.

                10 months ago

                Given that 95% of U.S. law enforcement personnel are conservatives, I’m pretty sure the vast majority of them will be on board.

                • spaceghotiOP
                  210 months ago

                  We’re talking about the industrialists who oversee food, construction, and so forth. They control most of the wealth and wealth-generating resources.

                    110 months ago

                    There is a fatal flaw here though. The same people who own the wealth and resources are also incapable of producing them. They don’t have the knowledge of the necessary scientific principles or day to day operations.

                    They won’t be able to force it either. If you’re persecuting me and my people, I’m not going to earn you a penny. And if you try to compel me, I’ll sabotage the whole thing. And because they don’t actually know anything, they won’t even notice.

                    I used to work for one of big oil and gas corporations before coming to my senses, and the employees heavily skewed liberal. They were really interested in sustainability. The executives were not, beyond lip service. The educated workforce can bring these industrialists to their knees if they want to fuck around and find out. It’s about damn time white collar workers made our own unions too.