At this point in election season, the political press starts making forays into the wilds of so-called Real America to try to find out what the voters are thinking. It can be an interesting exercise in the hands of journalists who have a feel for more than the usual “breakfast crowd at the diner” type of stories and find some insight that’s helpful to understand the cross-currents that shape the electorate in any particular cycle. All too often, however, it’s just a series of cliches and conventional wisdom, unfortunately.

We see tons of coverage of Iowa and New Hampshire, for obvious reasons. But when it comes to picking the brains of swing voters reporters always seem to head up to Wisconsin, the quintessential swing state. Back in 2020, just before the election, the New York Times sent a couple of reporters there to take the temperature of voters in the Badger State that former president Donald Trump barely won in 2016 to see what undecided swing voters were thinking four years later.

        78 months ago

        Yup, I have as well. My client has a feature to tag users (since I can’t remember usernames for crap) so I can see that a few accounts have been pushing these narratives pretty hard. I can only imagine how bad it is on Reddit lately.

          58 months ago

          I just got blocked by one of them yesterday after breaking down in granular detail why a third party vote for president was a waste

      • GladiusB
        48 months ago

        We need twelve candidates and smaller slices of the pie. Only way this nation starts working for the people. As long as it’s red vs blue we will keep having huge issues in satisfaction.

        28 months ago

        Exactly. I have been suggesting to those types to work on ranked choice voting and then point them to the Fair Vote website.