with the recent news about the things that were said about Google slowing down Firefox on purpose, are they doing this because they severily dislike Firefox/open source? :c If so, that wouldn’t make a lot of sense!!! Because Google loves open source too. I read they were doing this to stop adblockers, and well if you use Firefox without those, it can work maybe! I use Chromium and Google Chrome on Ubuntu u

  • @0x4E4F@infosec.pub
    17 months ago

    What good is an OS if no one uses it 🤨. TempleOS is cool, but I bet you won’t find 100 people on earth that use it as a daily driver.

    • Uncle
      17 months ago


      yeah, i remember that dude. i kinda felt sorry for him, kinda went off his rocker. was following his story when he died.