What do we think is best?

If we start bringing in all the reddit-style groups, there would be a lot of niche areas.

For example: Australian Plants, Australian Birds, Australian Wildlife, Gardening Australia, Permaculture Australia and that’s just a fraction of niche areas under a larger umbrella.

Now, all this above could be under Environment or Green or something similar but at some point, if this instance got popular, would need to be fractured apart. What is best? General or lots of communities for now?

Personally I think General but later on down the track, it means some contained content would be lost to the move and it’s a start again process.

  • Treevan 🇦🇺
    1 year ago

    I disagree but you went ahead and did it. The commenting user base is not here yet.

    It’s full of articles because that’s the only thing that I, as the only person posting, can add to create content. If someone else started posting, then I wouldn’t have to do that. I did add some tree photos and one of my regen sites.