I’ll start. Non serious answers also welcome

  1. Linux (Linux)

  2. FOSS or die

  3. Video content should have been text

  4. Not caring a LOT about privacy makes you a non-lemmy normie


  • @Globulart@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Oh look another essay I won’t read. This is exactly the shit I meant mate. Stop trying to ram your own opinion down my perfectly happy throat.

    Try to consider the fact that I don’t care enough about my PC to try and optimise every aspect and that maybe some people have a different view of the world to you, it’s not something you need to be upset by.

    Imagine what you could have done with the time you spent writing two mini essays nobody will read. Feel free to write a 3rd but the response will be the same. Take care :) x

    • Communist
      7 months ago

      Try to consider the fact that I don’t care enough about my PC to try and optimise every aspect and that maybe some people have a different view of the world to you, it’s not something you need to be upset by.

      If you read what I wrote instead of assuming what I wrote, you’d understand that your response makes literally no sense in response to what I wrote, I was trying to make you see why people might be emotionally attached to these issues. Why reply to what you won’t read? Why comment on things when you don’t care what others think?

      Odd that you decided to be rude to me when you don’t even know what I said. Or do you hate the idea of having a dialogue, in which case, why post anything at all?