Never invade Russia in the winter. Never fight a land war in Asia. Never go for a third term as Prime Minister in Canada. It makes the electorate hate you. I don’t complain much about his policies, but Trudeau is screwing his own party over and now we might end up with the Trumpiest of Canadian politicians as PM.

  • @Radicalized
    310 months ago

    The NDP is not for the working class. In 2016 they removed all mentions of the word “socialism” from their party constitution. They saw an opening to go for the throat of the liberals so they can replace them. That’s what they desire. There isn’t an ounce of working-class spirit in the whole party. Most of their members are rent-seeking landlords (they have slightly fewer than the libs or cons) that desire personal profit over fixing Canada for the working class. Fuck the NDP (in its current iteration).

      1510 months ago

      You say all that, while they continue to push for and in many cases successfully push through bills that do help the working class.

      You’re welcome to your own opinions, but realize that when they aren’t actually based on anything they likely aren’t true.

    • jcrm
      1410 months ago

      You can think this all you want, but they absolutely are the party of the working class. They constantly push for policies that would benefit the working class and most vulnerable people in the country, and advocate for solutions to issues that would actually change the status quo. Their proposal for electoral reform is the best any party has come up with. They’ve also been the only party showing up to union rallies and picket lines during strikes.

      While the Cons and Liberals have been voting together on a lot of bills, the NDP has been fighting against their neolib garbage. They might not be perfect, but your “they’re all the same” garbage only makes sure we stay in the hellish austerity cycle we’re stuck in.

    • Daniel Quinn
      1310 months ago

      I’m really disappointed with the NDP. Their abandonment of the socialist platform and their shite environmental record in BC and Alberta were a slap in the face for those who have fought for them over the years.

      They’re still a better choice than the Liberals or Conservatives, but I don’t think they really understand what they’ve given up by sabotaging their base as they have.