i was legitimately confused why i was getting zero replies in very active threads. and yes this is just a whine post about how horribly opaque fediverse moderation is these days

rule 1? rule 2? fuck if I know what I said that broke those rules, here’s a ban that you don’t even get notified about. i probably said fuck too many times. that’s “not respectful”.

  • @blackn1ght@feddit.uk
    27 months ago


    I’ve just seen I had a comment removed from lemmy.ml, for “rule 1” reasons but don’t really see what’s wrong with the comment other than it goes against the political grain of the community (world news).

    • @empireOfLoveOP
      37 months ago

      but don’t really see what’s wrong with the comment other than it goes against the political grain of the community (world news).

      thats how it do be these days, unfortunately

      you’ll never get more explanation than that

      • @blackn1ght@feddit.uk
        17 months ago

        Yeah. I think it’s basically they use it as a blanket rule to sensor content that goes against their political narrative.

        I just realised that you can go to the instance in question and view search the modlog, it seems it has more entries. I actually got a ban! No idea why.

    • unhappy_grapefruit 2
      7 months ago

      Fanks for the tip m8 just discovered the comment below had been banned for 'rule ’ It’s nice to know that my comment made an lemmyml admin so butthurt that he actually had to get off his cheese dorito and self injackulation ridden lazyboy chair kiss his little picture off marx lenin and xi jinping and move his mobility scooter two feet to his computer open it up and shadow ban me for half week for no reason just rule 1 i think we all know the reason why they removed the main comment which goes into proper detail I can’t remember what if is exactly since its been a week since I posted thid

      Yes. I have posted these links multiple times now.


      Also the fifty cent party a Chinese troll farm based entirely on spreading propaganda for the ccp


      This took me 5 seconds of research. If were being passive aggressive here ive gotta say. are you sure you didn’t get dropped on the head as a baby or eat copious amounts of lead