• LinkOpensChest.wav
      57 months ago

      Biden didn’t build more concentration camps? He didn’t continue the wall? He didn’t send his VP on a gaslighting mission to Latin America? He didn’t interfere with the railroad strike? I imagined all that?

      I could have sworn it was US liberals telling me he “hAd No ChOiCe” and that don’t I know he has to do these things to win elections because if he doesn’t then the [checks notes] well … [nervously tugs shirt collar] lesser of two evils or something hmmm

      But you said “no we fucking don’t,” so I guess it must’ve been the wind…

        • LinkOpensChest.wav
          17 months ago

          Are you being serious? One of the first things he did after taking office in 2021 was to open more concentration camps at the border. Every US liberal I encountered downplayed this categorically fascist act. US liberals even claimed Biden “had no other choice” and some even went so far as to claim this was a good thing.

          As someone who’s had friends and family who’ve experienced the inhumane conditions in these camps, I’m not so easily fooled.


          This is but one of a long list of examples of US Democrats enabling fascism and human rights violations, sometimes in the name of compromise, often for the mustache-twirlingly evil goal of protecting a capitalist economy at all costs.

          Democrats are not a leftist party. They’re not even leftist-adjacent.

        • LinkOpensChest.wav
          7 months ago

          Now do the concentration camps and other straight up fascist policies he’s upheld

          Edit: Also, your article shows that he did interfere with a labor strike. Looks like he’s the one who has the superiority complex, not me. I’ve never trampled on workers’ rights.