Really, how can I stop them from eating my plants? Some don’t have leaves anymore. They are not even edible. They are even biting the cacti for some reason.

I put the plants out of reach and that only made them figure out new ways to reach higher furniture.


  • Ethalia
    1710 months ago

    There is a plant called cyperus zumula (cat grass) that you can buy for your cats to munch on. It’s not much but maybe they will prefer to eat that instead of trying to take a bite out of your cactus. Also place your plants higher up if you can, in a place where they have no way to jump up to.

    • GingaNinga
      910 months ago

      I got my ragdoll that and instead of nibbling he took a whole mouthful, bit down, picked the whole thing up and wrung it around like a dog that just got a squirrel, he sprayed grass, seeds and dirt all over lol. He’s a bit of a bam bam.

      810 months ago

      This mostly worked for me. He preferred the catgrass over the succulents.

      I eventally bought like 4 pots of catgrass and would rotate them every week or so so theyd last longer.

    • Tar_Alcaran
      710 months ago

      My cats will absolutely chew on catgrass. After every thing else has been munched up.