Hi everyone, I’m In the need of an offline calendar and gallery now that simplemobiletools got sold off. I’m wondering what you guys use? My bad if the formatting is weird on this post, I’m trying out a new lemmy client

Edit what I found so far

Gallery replacment: gallery

  • @Tibert@jlai.lu
    7 months ago

    Hey on android? Didn’t know simplemobiletools was sold. Should be fine if updates are disabled from play store and only f-droid versions are used.

    But for alternatives :

    For a gallery app, I find Aves to look pretty good and has many great features https://github.com/deckerst/aves

    If you need gallery (still not that great yet) & backup : ente gallery (there are other ente apps too) https://ente.io/

    For a calendar no idea.

    • Lemongrab
      17 months ago

      Aves Libre should be used from F-droid, since the Aves package has non-free components.