Just save this as karma.py and run it with Python 3.6 or higher.

import requests
import math

INSTANCE_URL = "https://feddit.de"


res = requests.get(f"{INSTANCE_URL}/api/v3/user?username={TARGET_USER}&limit={LIMIT_PER_PAGE}").json()

totalPostScore = 0
totalCommentScore = 0
page = 1
while len(res["posts"])+len(res["comments"]) > 0:
	totalPostScore += sum([ x["counts"]["score"] for x in res["posts"] ])
	totalCommentScore += sum([ x["counts"]["score"] for x in res["comments"] ])
	page += 1
	res = requests.get(f"{INSTANCE_URL}/api/v3/user?username={TARGET_USER}&limit={LIMIT_PER_PAGE}&page={page}").json()

print("Post karma:    ", totalPostScore)
print("Comment karma: ", totalCommentScore)
print("Total karma:   ", totalPostScore+totalCommentScore)
    • Square SingerOP
      11 year ago

      Why not? You don’t have to run the script. The script doesn’t post or show the scores anywhere publicly. All it does is inform you of your current score, if you so desire to know it.