• Dr. Dabbles
      110 months ago

      I clearly said they all announced it was happening in 2025, so obviously linking to their announcements isn’t really going to change anything.

      The thing they are doing is trying to equip their cars with the port for the chargers that their customer will use. What I’m saying is if the NACS adoption doesn’t take off my charger manufacturers, then auto manufacturers have no incentive to adopt it either. That’s the remaining question mark. Regardless, Combo 1 connectors are going to be on those chargers because that’s what every other brand has on their cars.

        • Dr. Dabbles
          110 months ago

          I guess if it was just Ford and Ford alone, I could see one company backing out, but not several entities.

          Consider why these companies have decided to transition to an NACS port. Because they want their customers to gain access to chargers that exist, and those chargers are operated by Tesla. Now, imagine that in 2024 we start seeing NEVI funded chargers installed around the country, and those chargers have fewer NACS connectors than CCS Combo, or they have no NACS connectors. What do you think the auto manufacturers would do? They haven’t signed any kind of contract requiring they use NACS, they’ve simply announced that they plan to in 2025.

          In other words, if there’s no convenience improvement to deploying NACS ports because new charger sites don’t have a majority of NACS connectors, then they wouldn’t do it. They’d simply keep equipping vehicles with Combo 1 ports.

          Each announcement has explicitly said they’re doing this to gain access to the Supercharger network.

          Yes. Because today that network is by far the largest in the US, and almost certainly in Canada. But the US is funding deployment of new chargers every 50 miles, so you can see where brands other than Tesla might outnumber Tesla over the next few years.

          The ink has dried on contracts.

          Buying new plastic bits from an injection molding company doesn’t require an insane lead time, and the existence of contracts really isn’t meaningful in any way. There is almost guaranteed to be language in supplier contracts that allows both parties to back out as long as they keep a dollar spend level or pay a small penalty. This kind of thing happens all the time during qualification and testing.

          Going back to CCS would be incredibly unlikely.

          Why? If there was a compelling reason to not use NACS, why would anybody continue charging ahead?

            • Dr. Dabbles
              110 months ago

              They’ll be out-pacing the collective NEVI deployment for a while.

              I disagree. They’ve added 21 in the past year in the US, so let’s call it 2 per month on average for 2023. The plan for several states I’m interested in will outpace that immediately. I don’t know where you got 1.5 sites per day, but that’s absolutely not the case in any way. It’s not even 1.5 stalls per day, instead it’s 0.624 stalls per day. Can you tell me where you got that number from, because 1.5 sites per day would be 548 sites per year and with an average of 10 stalls per site they’ve installed this past year that’s 5479 stalls. Back of the envelope math should have sounded wrong to you.

              I seriously doubt this will happen in the next 2-4 years at the clip Tesla has been dropping chargers.

              Again, your Tesla number is extremely wrong. You should go back to the supercharge.info site, go to the changes list, and switch to “add”. Lots of Tesla sites have been in planning and permitting for years, and to be frank until something Tesla says actually exists in the world it’s not worth much.

              Sure but we’re 8-9 months from cars rolling off the assembly line


              There is no compelling reason.

              There’s a couple I can think of off the top of my head. Can you not?

              greater reliability

              You’re comparing to existing EA chargers, which we know isn’t the real comparison at hand here.

              Realistically, most people just don’t care about the CCS/NACS debate.

              Right, which is why I specifically didn’t have it. So let’s not start it, because there’s no debate to be had. One is superior to the other, and it isn’t NACS. That’s entirely separate from the conversation being had right now.

              claim CCS was the reason everything was bad

              Nope. Charger reliability has nothing to do with the connector, stop here. Do not pass go. It was the chargers, not the connectors. The connector decision was one of convenience because Tesla has a reliable network when used with a Tesla.

              What I’m suggesting here is that companies are prepared to use the NACS connector, as published by SAE. They announced this because Tesla’s network exists now and we didn’t know what was going to happen with NEVI funds. Now most of those funds have been allocated (if not all?), and since all of those sites are going to get Combo 1 connectors as well as NACS, it’s conceivable to me that they announced NACS to hype things up for a while, and the option to pull out is always there. They have zero requirement to use NACS on either chargers or vehicles, they simply may choose to. There’s been quite a swing in perception of supporting a certain CEO in the past 6 months that might not be as appealing to a lot of people, so it may not be the selling point it would have.

                • Dr. Dabbles
                  110 months ago

                  Where do you see they only added 21 in the past year?

                  I told you exactly how to find it on the supercharge.info site in my previous post.

                  Slide 6 tips your hand, so thank you for commenting about this. You just posted the GLOBAL number, not the US number. NACS is US only, NEVI funds are US only. Pretty important detail, that one.

                  Tyson’s corner has been in planning stages since those shitty 208v destination chargers were installed, so I’m glad they finally did something. Is it actually open now? Took them long enough on that one.