awhile back i did a brief post on native names for major cities for the website Cohost. anyways, i’ve spent approximately the past week assembling place names for a much more comprehensive map–as of writing, more than 1,000 individual points from approximately 60 different sources are listed–and you can find that at the submission link here.

this is what i’m calling v. 0.1 of this project and pretty much the moment this post goes up i’ll be back to adding new names. because this is such a large project i’ve only gotten around to a handful of states in great detail—but rest assured, a lot more is coming. the next big part of the map in progress is the Ojibwe sphere of influence which should knock out most of the Great Lakes area.

any errors or corrections you happen to notice are appreciated

    49 months ago

    This is awesome! I had no idea that Boston was based on the original name for the area!