New data reveals Canada’s senior population is expected to exceed 11 million people by 2043. This rapid rise in the number of older Canadians will have wide-reaching implications on sectors such as health care and employment, with experts sounding the alarm that Canada is not prepared to handle an aging population.

  • Octospider
    67 months ago

    They will reap what they sowed. They had housing, cheap education, high paying jobs, and they created a society that gave none of it to future generations. We can’t provide for the aging population? We can’t even provide for the younger generations.

    • Rob Bos
      127 months ago

      The people who will be old in 2043 are middle aged now. Sure as fuck we didn’t get those things…

      77 months ago

      You’re confusing the Boomers, who are currently tipping over the line into seniorhood if they haven’t already (the last of them will turn sixty-five around 2030) with Gen-Xers like me, who had to navigate a somewhat different landscape. We didn’t get the high-paying jobs or the cheap anything—that all went to our parents’ generation instead. So what were we supposed to do, invent a time machine so that we could go back and unsnarl the seeds of the future economy?