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      17 months ago

      So you are just wasting time screaming your opinion into the void of the Internet and expecting nothing back? Why waste the time? Why does it piss you off so much that I respond? You could just stop. I’m expecting another person at the other end you don’t seem to accept that anyone else is human.

        7 months ago

        You talk of wasting time but continue to respond to someone who has already told you they don’t care about your opinion… How much of this is about how offended your dumb ass is and not actually about what I said?

        For the last time. Stop projecting. You are fucking pitiful.

          27 months ago

          Nah, just watching as you spiral in pointless rage. I came to the Internet for conversation and interaction and so I’m getting exactly what I want out of this. You are getting controlled by your anger to keep responding to me.

          I mean seriously look at the language each of us are using. For me it’s like talking to a crazy person from the safe side of a mirror.

          I don’t care. But I think the conversation you keep having while refusing to have is funny.
          So, again, why do you bother? Why come here? Just to push out your chest? You think everyone is projecting but you keep yelling at a mirror. Pointless.