Hey, German here. What the f*** are Americans doing at the other side of the Atlantic? Some of you already know this monstrosity. I did’nt. This is a Ford F650 Truck and when I stepped out of my Youtube Bubble I realized, it was marketed as the “biggest, baddest Truck on the road” for the everyday American. Are you guys serious?! Is the end goal really to drive a Monster Truck to McDs to get a McFlurry? Americas bloodiest wars have been fought in the middle east to secure oil, bombing nations to rubble. And all, for this bullshit? The excess, waste and decadence is mind boggling to me and people on Reddit seriously justifying this by “you know dude I’m 6,4ft. I don’t fit in any other vehicle” makes me go up the wall.

  • @dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    This is a really braindead and disingenuous take. The F650 is a commercial vehicle. Attempting to pretend that “Americans” drive these is moronic, because the number of private citizens who drive one of these as a personal vehicle is probably in the triple digits in a country with a population of 332,000,000.

    I know it’s fasionable to farm for upvotes these days by blaring AMERICANS BIG TRUCKS BAD. But no one is “driving these to McD’s to get a McFlurry.” Very, very few people own one of these just to be “decadent.”

    You may as well get on your high horse about Americans driving big rigs all the time while you’re at it. Because they totally do!!! (It’s true!) Ones who are truck drivers, you know, delivering the goods you rely on every day.

    On the very outside edge of the graph, there are probably a few outliers who own one of these to tow something enormous: A big horse trailer or a box trailer with their airplane in it or something. I have never seen one of these on the road that wasn’t an actual commercial vehicle like a tow truck or similar.

    The problem with obviously ridiculous whinging like this is that it dilutes the actual useful message, which is that America’s transportation infrastructure is fucked up, and our reliance on fossil fuels (not just trucks) is Too Damn High.

    • @thehorsefromthehorseheresy@lemmy.world
      237 months ago

      Yeah these communities should be “we are all victims of car dominated society and infrastructure: here is the problem and here are some solutions” but instead they’re just people who have never set foot in North America getting triggered by vehicles 90% of the population isn’t even aware that it even exists.

      • @dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world
        127 months ago

        They’re also living such sheltered and cushy lives that they have the outright luxury of sitting around on the internet bitching that other people should confirm their lifestyles to whatever their unrealistic pipe dream is, and do it overnight.

        You’re never going to catch me living in a city, ever. Walkable and bikable utopia or not.

        • @aesthelete@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          They’re also living such sheltered and cushy lives that they have the outright luxury of sitting around on the internet bitching that other people should confirm their lifestyles to whatever their unrealistic pipe dream is, and do it overnight.

          Are you lost? This is the “fuck cars” community.

          I think you’re looking for the reactionary pedant shithead community or something.

          • @dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world
            117 months ago

            Oh, sorry! I forgot we weren’t allowed to poke a hole in the bubble of your whackdoodle echo chamber.

            If you don’t want people to criticize your obvious bullshit, don’t post it publicly on the internet.

            • @aesthelete@lemmy.world
              97 months ago

              If you don’t want people to criticize your obvious bullshit, don’t post it publicly on the internet.

              Do you have the same type of brain hemorrhage you’re currently having when someone forwards you a stupid meme on facebook or email? Cuz that’s about the quality of the thing you’re “criticizing” here.

              Also it ain’t mine; I didn’t post it. I just find it hilarious when people respond to a obvious circlejerk with bitter, weird pedantry in the comments instead of just downvoting it or moving on like most people without a personality disorder would.

    • @DogWater@lemmy.world
      227 months ago

      Seriously bro. You nailed it. I’ve seen f 450 and f 550s on the road that do exactly what your talking about. It’s honestly common. But they are all commercial trucks. have never seen an f 650 besides on the internet, if I have it’s commercial and not in cab form.

      The point stands with actual consumer trucks, there’s no need to cherry pick this truck and look like a clown.

    • Tarquinn2049
      97 months ago

      But at the very least, there are way too many 350’s on the streets compared to the number of people that have any actual reason to own one. And far too many with duelies. You don’t have to go all the way to 650 to be getting a little nuts.

      • @Dead_or_Alive@lemmy.world
        57 months ago

        I’m glad we live in a country where your opinion on what vehicle a person should own or not own is just that… an opinion.

    • @aesthelete@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Boy I sure do love it when pedants pick apart something that’s obviously an exaggeration or meme designed to affect laughter. /s

      I was sitting in Trader Joe’s parking lot last night waiting for my wife and there were gigantasaurus cars surrounding my ultra-compact car in every direction. I have lost count of the number of people in my (urban) neighborhood that drive extra large trucks and then park them in all of the guest spaces because they can’t even fit the big, dumbshit beasts in their normal sized garages.

    • @Aux@lemmy.world
      37 months ago

      F150 is also a commercial vehicle. Yet it is the single most sold vehicle in the US for decades. For decades, Karl!

      • Taco
        17 months ago

        Nope, you can buy it as a personal vehicle at any Ford dealership. Just walk in and buy one, and slap personal plates on it. You can’t just buy an f650 without calling ahead and ordering one. And even then it’s just the frame, drivetrain, and cab. No bed or anything unless you get add-ons. Definitely a different scenario.

    • @BorgDrone
      27 months ago

      How is this a practical commercial vehicle? How do you even put something in the back of this thing? Does it come with a loading ramp?