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Every day the bird dies a little more

      • LeftIt
        1 year ago

        No one’s shitting on you for pointing it out mate. See anyone calling the original commenter of this chain a dick for pointing it out? No? Because that’s not the issue. People are shitting on you for being a cunt.

          • LeftIt
            21 year ago

            I read your comments hence my reply. Now how about you take your own advice and read mine eh? I wasn’t arguing against anything. I was telling you you’re a right cunt. Clear enough for you mate? Now move on.

              • LeftIt
                31 year ago

                Don’t tempt me.

                Gonna throw another tantrum? Have at it. That’s all I’ve seen you do mate. You can keep flinging shit here since you’re so full of it. I, however, will be signing off so might as well save your tears for another thread. Peace

                • assbutt
                  11 year ago

                  Ah, following the script to a T! Keep going, do some more!

      • Alex
        1 year ago

        Who’s really “being a shit” here? I see nobody else being hostile but you. Accusing people of that which you are doing yourself is called “projection”.

        Nobody else is pedantically picking apart silly things like wording and terminology and then lashing out at others. Just you. We all knew what he meant. Were you ever told as a kid to “pick your battles”? Do you know what that means? Not everything deserves a response.

        What’s the matter, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and decide to take it out on the world? Significant other break up with you or cheat on you? Got fired? Did your pet die? Why are you so angry at the world? What did it ever do to you? None of those things (whichever is applicable) is our problem.

        Please, let’s leave those kinds of toxic, hostile behaviors on the dead bird site and reddit where they belong. We’re trying to build something new here.

        Otherwise, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” and people are just going to report you for repeated incivility and offensive language.

        EDIT: And your reply has been reported too. Since all you know is how to behave like a child, maybe we should all treat you like one.

      • ConfusedLlama
        141 year ago

        You may have a point, but it’s just that your replies have a certain quality to them which make you sound like an ass… butt… 🤔