What’s everyone reading? I’m on book 10 of the Wheel of Time, and Creatures of Light and Darkness by Alan Dean Foster

  • @AllegedHoister@lemmy.world
    31 year ago

    Currently working on my Cradle series reread for the final book’s release. I’m uhh only on book 7 right now so I sorta missed my target date lol. I love how much the series grows from book to book, once book 5 hits hoo boy it’s off to the races. Can’t wait to finally get caught up to the new book but another part of me is dreading finishing the series and having no more Cradle to look forward to lol

    • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
      21 year ago

      I both love and hate that feeling. Nice to have made it through and seen the characters the whole way through. Yet sad because there’s nothing more to look forward to.