What’s everyone reading? I’m on book 10 of the Wheel of Time, and Creatures of Light and Darkness by Alan Dean Foster

  • @DanielDonenfeld
    61 year ago

    I just finished Waybound by Will Wight and enjoyed the series finale! I’ve also been working my way through the Malazan book of the Fallen, I’m on book 4 House of Chains

  • @amarnasmoths@slrpnk.net
    51 year ago

    I’m reading Age of Myth by Michael J. Sullivan, and I’m enjoying it a lot! I also enjoyed his other books, the Riyria Revelations!

  • @WasdMouse@lemmy.ml
    51 year ago

    Currently reading The Journey to the West, by Wu Cheng’en and translated by Anthony C. Yu. I’m at very beginning and it’s pretty challenging but that might be because English is not my native language. I’m liking it though.

    • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
      21 year ago

      Hey, super proud of you for getting outside your comfort zone. Learning a new language is legitimately hard. I’ve been supposed to be learning Japanese for almost 2 years now…but it just won’t stick.

      If you want/need an explanation of something, message me on lemmy or matrix, I’ll do me best 👌

  • Celediel
    41 year ago

    On my Kindle, I just finished re-reading Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut for the first time in probably 15 years. Helluva book, and reading it as a teenager certainly changed the heading of my moral compass. Still deciding what to read next.

    I’ve also been re-reading my paper copy of This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. It warms my gay little heart.

    • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
      41 year ago

      Popular opinion: Vonnegut is a based author.

      I’ve not read How you lose the time war, but have had it recommended repeatedly.

      • Celediel
        21 year ago

        Popular opinion: Vonnegut is a based author.

        Yes, absolutely! Definitely a very rated author. Although I will admit I haven’t read much of his. I do have Cat’s Cradle on my wishlist, so maybe I’ll pick that up.

        I’ve not read How you lose the time war, but have had it recommended repeatedly.

        It’s fantastic, I love it so much. It’s mostly written as an epistolary novella, and at times is very poetic, so it’s definitely not for everyone, but I highly recommend it to anyone even kinda into that sorta thing.

        But also, I finished Wheel of Time for the first time last year. What a journey! I pretty much binged it so I didn’t really experience “the slog”, and loved nearly every minute of it. Is this your first read through?

        • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
          21 year ago

          It’s mostly written as an epistolary novella, and at times is very poetic

          Dang, that sounds…totally up my alley!


          I mostly only have time to read omw to/from work, so even though it was all I was reading, it only got maybe an hour or two a day of my attention. And broken up attention at that, what with changing buses and trains, walking between etc etc.

          • Celediel
            21 year ago

            I did WoT mostly the same! I was reading on my breaks at work, and a bit at home, and I was doing about one book a month. Eventually my work allowed us to use headphones while we worked, so I switched to the audiobook versions and absolutely blazed through Path of Daggers, Winter’s Heart, and Crossroads of Twilight, the shortest in about two days. After becoming alarmed at how quickly I went through those, I switched back to just reading, and did the rest like that. I find it’s good to savour them, and have more time to process everything. Enjoy the rest of your WoT journey! It’s a good one!

            • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
              21 year ago

              I’m going to need to get the last 5 books, I’ve been buying them in chunks of 5. I also don’t really want to give amazon more money, so I’ll have to look around for somewhere else to buy the ebooks…

  • MisterMonday
    1 year ago

    I’m currently halfway through The Last Echo of the Lord of Bells by John Bierce, as well as procrastinating starting Waybound by Will Wight. Progression Fantasy is my thing right now.

    • @BigToe@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      I love the idea of progression fantasy I generally enjoy it in different mediums like web novels or Manhua, I’ve read a couple series I believe could be considered PF like The Demon Accords, Cycle of Arawn, etc… and thoroughly enjoyed them. Do you have any recommendations for some series to read through?

  • @TheBurlapBear@lemmy.ml
    41 year ago

    (Audiobooks) I’ve recently finished book 2 of the Mistborn series - The Well of Ascension. Otherwise i’m trying to get myself through book 2 of the Temeraire series - Throne of Jade. I’m torn, it may be that the narrator is killing it for me, or there’s just not enough action for a dragon based story.

    • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
      31 year ago

      Mistborn is such a good series!

      I mostly prefer to read over audiobooks as my head narrator is often a lot better than audiobooks narrators.

  • @exuberantlime@lemmy.ml
    41 year ago

    I’m close to finishing Assassin’s Aporentice. Robin Hobb is great at writing characters and their interactions. It feels like Fitz has an organic community all around him.

  • fraser
    1 year ago

    Red Sister by Mark Lawrence, my first time trying his books after holding back for a long time, and so far so good. I’m doing it for the bingo challenge from that other place which has really motivated me to get through a lot of stuff I’ve been holding off on for years.

  • @AllegedHoister@lemmy.world
    31 year ago

    Currently working on my Cradle series reread for the final book’s release. I’m uhh only on book 7 right now so I sorta missed my target date lol. I love how much the series grows from book to book, once book 5 hits hoo boy it’s off to the races. Can’t wait to finally get caught up to the new book but another part of me is dreading finishing the series and having no more Cradle to look forward to lol

    • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
      21 year ago

      I both love and hate that feeling. Nice to have made it through and seen the characters the whole way through. Yet sad because there’s nothing more to look forward to.

    • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
      31 year ago

      In my personal opinion? No, but I’m pretty particular about following the set story line in the case of tv/movie adaptations. I did my best to give it a fair go, but only made it about 3 episodes in before I got frustrated and stopped watching it.

      • @TheBurlapBear@lemmy.ml
        21 year ago

        Ah ha! I thought the TV show was a bit meh on the character development front. I’ll definitely add the book series to my list.

        • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
          11 year ago

          Definitely do!

          Yeah, fuck the show, was garbage. My wife enjoyed it, and watched most of it if I recall correctly. But being a bit of a purist it just made me really angry…

    • @Wit@lemmy.ml
      11 year ago

      I only read the 1st book so can’t speak to the rest of them, but imo absolutely not. The TV show’s finale was garbage. That said Episode 6, which deviated quite a lot from the book, I actually preferred to the part in the book that’s supposed to correspond to it.

    • IMO, yes, it was a good first season with some flaws that will hopefully be improved upon just like the first book was good (not great) and definitely improved upon by subsequent entries.

      I’ve read the series 3 times, and am on my 4th read (book 9) right now. Having re-read book 1 in 2019, I had a pretty clear memory of it when the show premiered and was glad to see some repetitive and inconsistent content from book 1 cut and replaced with more integral subject matter (e.g., the warder bond).

      Overall, I am most happy to see the world and characters introduced to a larger audience, who seem to be finding the books in the lull between seasons. I also typically give adaptations plenty of leeway to tell the story in a way that works for the new medium. I am psyched to see how they did with season 2.

  • Lately i had read “American Gods” by Gaiman, despite not really liking this author. Surprisingly it came off quite ok. First half of the book was tedious slog but when they stopped travelling around the american nowheres and meeting lumpenized mythological characters it started to be quite interesting. Though that book should be named “Unamerican Gods” for at least two reasons.

    • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.mlOP
      21 year ago

      I quite enjoyed that series, smashed yhrought it in two weeks in high school. I should dig it up and have another go.