Carson Brière, the son of Philadelphia Flyers general manager Daniel Brière, will enter a Pennsylvania program for first-time offenders after being charged for pushing an unoccupied wheelchair down a staircase.

Police in Erie, Pa., filed charges of criminal mischief, criminal conspiracy to commit mischief and disorderly conduct against the son of the retired Gatineau, Que., NHL star in March 2023.

Earlier that month, Carson Brière was seen on a surveillance video at the top of a staircase of a local bar, alongside another Mercyhurst University athlete, pushing the wheelchair down the steps.

He was dismissed from his team the following month.

    9 months ago

    Sounds like another little hockey prick. There won’t be any long term consequences to it overall, as a society we put these goons and their families on such a pedestal. I’m glad I’m away from the hockey world, like I miss it sometimes, but I don’t miss the outright horseshit that you have to tolerate, and some of the gross people you have to subject yourself to. All to just fire around a piece of rubber on a frozen sheet of water.