Pretty much the title

    69 months ago

    I’m the oldest of three. My younger brother is an abusive drug addict currently serving time. I never want to see him or talk to him again. Any time we are in a room together, there’s a real risk of a physical fight breaking out. Years of constant fighting both verbally and physically have taken a huge mental toll on me. The day he dies will be one of my happiest.

    My baby brother is alright. He straddled the same line drug wise but was nowhere near abusive like the other one. Hes got a reputation for being a sneaky lying thief, but he’s turned himself around. He’s more of a joy to be around.

    One good. One that’s a blood screaming hatred that’s only gonna be resolved through death. No hyperbole either.

    • Zerlyna
      19 months ago

      I just posted a similar comment about my sibling drug addict. 😭