And more states may be on the list soon.

  • Jarmer
    11 year ago

    I’ve always wondered how you actually enact this on a technical level. So lets say I’m on my phone (not on wifi) in random town X near the state border in Virginia or Miss. What if the tower serving me the data is in Kentucky, or WV? Does the tower now triangulate every single device and try to ban one single website’s dns down to the geo zone? Doesn’t seem possible to me.

    • BrainisfineIthink
      11 year ago

      You’d be an edge case, and they probably wouldn’t worry much about you. Generally, a company enacts a policy aiming to capture the 80-90% of users that check the policy criteria, not the 10-20% that fall outside of it (reddit and Twitter excepted, apparently). They probably just check where the IP is located and if it’s in one of those states they deny service. A VPN can probably get around it, but let’s be real, most people in Mississippi can’t even spell VPN.