Instagram and Facebook have addicted users for the last 20 years, making sure to monetize us through advertisers every step of the way. Now, they’re revisiting your old posts, your special moments, and your big life updates, and using it to create billion-dollar AI tools. Zuckerberg’s braggadocious claim about Meta’s very large dataset comes shortly after The New York Times sued OpenAI over intellectual property. But Meta is pulling an old trick out of its playbook: extracting as much value out of Instagram and Facebook users as humanly possible, and totally owning your online self.

    35 months ago

    I have to refine basic queries multiple times and still then need to verify the answers.

    So it’s like talking to a person or using a search engine?

    You seriously expect or want it to be infallible magic? And then, even if it appeared to be, you would stop verifying its work?? Sounds like an unrealistic and problematic way to view it no matter how good it gets.

    I use an llm-- GitHub copilot–every day and I find it pretty helpful.

    I would agree that ai/LLM right now is sort of floundering in most products, but your stance that it’s absolutely useless trash just is not accurate

    • Neato
      55 months ago

      I expect it to be better than a search engine. Otherwise what’s the point? It’s slower and often gives me incorrect info. So I just have to check the sources anyways.

        35 months ago

        You’re using (probably poorly) an early version of a probably not great implementation of a technology and expecting it to be perfect. That’s not realistic at all. Then you’re declaring it a useless technology because of your anecdotal experience. Ai can be helpful and will only get more so, whether or not you find it useful right now

        • Neato
          35 months ago

          Ai can be helpful


          People are saying it’s useful now. I said I have found NO uses for it. And people get pissy that their new tech isn’t exciting most people. To the majority of us, this seems like another crypto/NFT scam. And for the actual use cases we’ve had for years and years: we already had a name for that: algorithms. People are calling damn near everything AI these days in the same manner as generative text AIs and making no distinction. It’s a useless buzzword where the only people that seem excited about it are billionaire tech bros and to anyone who’s been paying attention that’s a red flag.

            15 months ago

            No, people get “pissy” when you make wild and absolute claims about something you clearly know nothing about.

            And yeah I’m not sure how I’m being crypto scammed by paying for a service that clearly helps me a lot in my daily life.

            Wanna make any random absolute claims about dark energy while you’re at it?