I’m currently getting by with a mixture of Design Spark Mechanical, FreeCAD, and OpenSCAD for prototyping/editing files, I’d love to find a good alternative that isn’t from a predatory company like Autodesk

  • Kritoke
    2 years ago

    I personally use Alibre Design Pro and Moi3D. Both are bought outright without subscriptions and seem to have a decent community if small, mostly on their respective forums. I went through the basic PDF tutorial that Alibre has and it gave me enough confidence to build so semi advanced stuff. Moi3d does have a bit more videos and tutorials than Alibre.

    I want to use Plasticity3D more, but it lacks easily editable features after they are generated, but it’s decent for iterating or playing with a design. Seems if you need a 3d object without precision, it’s decent and easy workflow.