No offense or judgement meant to anyone if that’s your thing (to each their own). That’s just how I see pretty much all professional sports - the super bowl is just the poster child for it.

    29 months ago

    Average career length in the NFL is 3.3 years

    After making hundreds of thousands for a year or two you can still retire safely and live off the interests. 2.8m gets you 140k/year, you don’t need that much to live, even with 1m in the bank you’re safely making an extra 50k/year (about median US salary), allowing you to pretty much choose to take whatever side job you want no matter the salary to end up more comfortable than the vast majority of the population.

      39 months ago

      Go be a football player then, if you have it all figured out.

      Personally, with 80% going bankrupt after 3 years, I don’t like those odds

        29 months ago

        Because they’re basically kids who get money thrown at them in a system that encourages them to spend it on stupid shit.

        “Go Be A fOoTbAlL pLaYeR tHeN!”

        Hey bud, I would gladly work a job where I make 800k/year for a year or two and retire if I had the competences, not everyone can become an NFL player, but I sure as hell could manage their money better than most do!

          19 months ago

          I would too. It’s just that the job you described doesn’t exist, and all I’m saying is that it’s not that simple.

          Even if it did, and there was an 80% chance I would end up bankrupt, I wouldn’t play those odds.

            9 months ago

            Except it’s not the bankrupt lottery. You don’t just get money and then have an 80 percent chance to lose it. How you choose to manage the money is what really affects whether you go bankrupt, or not.

            All that the 80 percent figure shows is that NFL players have a poor education on money management, just like the vast majority of young Americans. NFL players are usually just beginning adulthood. We all know that if you give most young adults a large sum of cash that they will probably mismanage it and spend it on frivolous things.

            If the NFL and teams actually cared about the players and the 80 percent bankruptcy, they could fix it by educating them on money management.