I just went through a long list of keyboard shortcuts for Firefox. One that I didn’t see that I would find useful is to press something like ⇧ Shift + ⌘ + C to copy the URL and then paste it into an email or message to send to someone. Does something like this exist?

      • sin_free_for_00_days
        1 year ago

        I use the following short script linked to a hotkey. I’m sure it would be easy to make it better, but it works for me.

        f=$(mktemp) &&
        gvim --nofork +startinsert -S <(echo 'inoremap <C-Q> <Esc>ZZ') "$f" -c 'set wrap' -c 'set spell' &&
        xsel < "$f"
        sleep 0.5
        xdotool type "$( xclip -o )"

        I don’t bother opening Vim in a terminal, because I just use this for quick edits. When in the text field, I hit my shortcut, gvim pops up in insert mode. I can type up whatever I want, then when I exit (allows for ctrl-q) it pastes what I wrote.