Showed up in my feed on another site.

I’m assuming it’s expecting Qxb5, Nxc7+ with a royal fork. But what’s stopping c6 or Nc6 instead, keeping the black Queen in a position to protect c7?

    7 months ago

    That’s a sacrifice to create a triple fork. Queen takes bishop, knight takes c7 pawn, forking the king, queen and rook.

    It’s forced, since the queen is pinned initially. Also leaves the knight on that cosy b5 square when you’re finished.

    edit: Coming back to this one, I think you’re right actually. Though white does have Qf5 in response, inviting the queen trade. This opens a few different lines, two of which do look good for white if black declines, kinda approaching a potential mate if black queen returns to d8, which seems strongest to me. I can’t find the finish though. If black trades, white is still in a decent position, since the knight fork is open then, and the center file opens up a little.

    Neat puzzle.