At the Young Republican mixer Friday evening a group of Nazis, who openly identified as national socialists, mingled with mainstream conservative personalities, including some from Turning Point USA, and discussed race science and antisemitic conspiracy theories.

    787 months ago

    This year, however, some attendees and former attendees have expressed frustration with the conference’s stronger association with Trump and his wing of the party.

    If I was frustrated that Nazis are co-opting my political party, I’m kicking them out or leaving the party that welcomes them.

    Anything less, you’re part of a Nazi movement.

        97 months ago

        Goebels was actually quite put out by Hitler not meeting his socialist dreams, but all was forgiven when he got to propagate massive antisemitism instead

            17 months ago

            In late 1924, Goebbels offered his services to Karl Kaufmann, who was Gauleiter (Nazi Party district leader) for the Rhine-Ruhr District. Kaufmann put him in touch with Gregor Strasser, a leading Nazi organiser in northern Germany, who hired him to work on their weekly newspaper and undertake secretarial work for the regional party offices.[41] He was also put to work as party speaker and representative for Rhineland-Westphalia.[42] Strasser founded the National Socialist Working Association on 10 September 1925, a short-lived group of about a dozen northern and western German Gauleiter; Goebbels became its business manager and the editor of its biweekly journal, NS-Briefe.[43] Members of Strasser’s northern branch of the Nazi Party, including Goebbels, had a more socialist outlook than the rival Hitler group in Munich.[44] Strasser disagreed with Hitler on many parts of the party platform, and in November 1926 began working on a revision.[45]

            Hitler viewed Strasser’s actions as a threat to his authority, and summoned 60 Gauleiters and party leaders, including Goebbels, to a special conference in Bamberg, in Streicher’s Gau of Franconia, where he gave a two-hour speech repudiating Strasser’s new political programme.[46] Hitler was opposed to the socialist leanings of the northern wing, stating it would mean “political bolshevization of Germany.” Further, there would be “no princes, only Germans,” and a legal system with no “Jewish system of exploitation … for plundering of our people.” The future would be secured by acquiring land, not through expropriation of the estates of the former nobility, but through colonising territories to the east.[45] Goebbels was horrified by Hitler’s characterisation of socialism as “a Jewish creation” and his assertion that a Nazi government would not expropriate private property. He wrote in his diary: “I no longer fully believe in Hitler. That’s the terrible thing: my inner support has been taken away.”[47]

            Joseph Goebbels | Wikipedia

      7 months ago

      Just because it needs to be pointed out every time. If they were frustrated by fascists/Nazis co-opting the party. They’re 100 years too late.

      The father and grandfather of 2 American presidents was implicated. As well as the head of JP Morgan at the time. No one was punished, or called out even. And the history of the incident has largely been completely scrubbed out of existence.

        27 months ago

        According to Katz, “Prescott Bush was too involved with the actual Nazis to be involved with something that was so home grown as the business plot.”

        It’s ok, Prescott wasn’t plotting to overthrow the US with those fringe Nazis, he was too busy working with the real Nazis!

    • peopleproblems
      57 months ago

      i mean if you look at history, there wete nazi sympathizers and enemies of the nazis.

      A lot of things in this world are grey. this is not one of them.