hello friends,

I am looking for a way to do what I described in the title. When running command command, I dont want to have to type SOME_ENV_VAR=value command every time, especially if there are multiple.

I am sure youre immediately thinking aliases. My issue with aliases is that if I do this for several programs, my .bashrc will get large and messy quickly. I would prefer a way to separate those by program or application, rather than put them all in one file.

Is there a clean way to do this?

  • @sin_free_for_00_days
    11 year ago

    Structure your .bash_ files. Have a .bash_aliases and a .bash_functions, then just source them from your .bashrc. If you’re like me, they may get a little busy, but it’s not really that big of a deal to prune the files every couple years. I find things that I added for jobs, used a lot on the job, then not at all afterwards. It helps to comment the hell out of your files, but it’s not super necessary. You could break up your aliases into different files by program and source them, but that seems like more work for not much payoff.