• I remember that press conference. It was so clear that someone had mentioned that bleach and UV are effective virus killers and he just ran with it like a PSA for awareness of Dunning-Krueger.

      • @helenslunch@feddit.nl
        4 months ago

        The rate of everything goes up and down constantly. I’m reminded of the non-stop “x is down 3% as uncorrelated event takes place” financial articles.

        In the case of bleach poisoning, the numbers are low, so going from 1 to 2 poisonings can be a “100% increase”.

        From your link:

        Critically, association is not causation, and with a frightened public doing whatever it can to protect itself from the virus, the same increases in poisonings might have happened regardless of Trump’s remarks.

    • @Zitronensaft@feddit.de
      44 months ago

      That whole thing was so ridiculous, they were talking about what kills the virus on surfaces. There are a lot of things that can sanitize a table or counter but that doesn’t mean they can kill germs in your body without also killing you. Imagine having a sunburn inside your lungs because someone shoved a light down there, that was Trump’s genius solution to the pandemic in that moment.

    • @helenslunch@feddit.nl
      44 months ago

      He’s so narcissistic that he legitimately thought he randomly came up with a cure for COVID on the spot that no one had thought of.